Beiträge von fauke

    Your Error ist: Error: connection failed!

    Something in your Connection Data is wrong.
    Mybe your IP ( is the Error. An IP has 4 characters (, not 3.


    Ok i added website to query website and it working

    Thanks i dont have an error now, but it still not working on PHP 5.5. I have error:
    Array ( [success] => [errors] => Array ( [0] => Error: connection failed! [1] => Server returns: ) [data] => )

    for code:

    $ts3_ip = '';
    $ts3_queryport = '10011';
    $ts3_port = 9987;
    $ts3_user = 'serveradmin';
    $ts3_pass = 'xxxxxx';
    $tsAdmin = new ts3admin($ts3_ip, $ts3_queryport);
        $connect = $tsAdmin->connect();

    How to check is script connected to server succesfully?
    I use:
    $tsAdmin = new ts3admin($ts3_ip, $ts3_queryport);
    $test = $tsAdmin->connect();

    But i have an error: Array ( [success] => [errors] => Array ( [0] => Error: the script is already connected! ) [data] => )

    I have this code:

    $groupList =  $tsAdmin->serverGroupClientList(2, true);
        $userList = $tsAdmin->clientList("-uid -times");
    foreach($groupList['data'] as $svalue) {    
            foreach($userList['data'] as $clvalue){

    And now how to display text like that:
    Group Administrator:
    admin - Online
    admin2 - Online